Introducing Skincare Stripped - Microbiome Test

Something that I’ve aimed to reflect in my brand, research and career journey is my dedication to advocate and promote the importance of a healthy skin ecosystem. Through my current line of products here at Dr. Elsa Jungman, my mission is to help everyone have access to skincare that is minimal yet effective, while also helping everyone, regardless of their skin type, feel at peace with their skin through our education program. My latest launch aims to take this mission even further. I’m excited to announce that today marks the launch of our very own microbiome test, Skincare Stripped!

Our team here at Dr. Elsa Jungman has worked incredibly hard to create this unique microbiome test to help consumers develop a deeper understanding of their skin’s microbiome so that they can take the proper steps to best care for it.


The skin microbiome is a collection of all the microorganisms that we have on our skin. These microorganisms consist of bacteria, fungus, and viruses, however, all of these microorganisms are essential to keep your skin healthy. 

When your skin has a high diversity of these microorganisms, your skin can function properly. Science and research shows that in cases of healthy skin, the microbiome tends to be much more diverse in terms of microorganisms compared to skin that is damaged or unhealthy. This is why it’s so important to be conscious about what you are doing to your skin so that you aren’t attacking or damaging your skin’s ecosystem. 

It is with high hopes that this test will also allow consumers to make much more intentional decisions about what they place on their skin, while also learning about the importance of the microbiome and how it works. 

We’re currently living in a time where skincare is often marketed in a way that encourages that the more products you use for your skin, the better. In reality, this excess use of products on our skin is causing more harm to our skin’s microbiome than good. Additionally, other factors like pollution, household irritants, gut health, hormonal changes and so much more can impact our skin’s microbiome, too. This test will mark an important first step in helping you support your skin as best as you can, while also giving your skin a much needed reset. 


So, how does it work? 

If you are interested in this test, you can apply to our pilot and if chosen, you will be notified to purchase our skincare kit for $50 (2 Trial kits including postage) which will then be mailed to your home. You only pay for the skincare and we offer the microbiome analysis and report. Once you receive the kit, you will swab your skin before and after using our skincare for a week and ship your swabs back for analysis. Finally, once your skin microbiome has been analyzed, you will get your microbiome results as a personalized skin microbiome report. 

The findings from this study will give us the insights needed to prove the science behind simplicity and understand the differences between a balanced skin and a sensitive one. It’s important to remember that our skin is incredibly smart. Skincare Stripped will lead the way to develop holistic personalized regimen by taking into accounts our environment and internal factors such as our microbiome and we couldn’t be more excited to share this opportunity with you! If you’re interested in learning more about Skincare Stripped, click here.

Thank you!

Dr. Elsa

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