Why the Microbiome is in Danger
Throughout the past few decades, we’ve observed a dramatic increase in skin diseases and allergies, which may be able to provide some more insight on where the skin microbiome currently stands. Here’s what we know:
- More than a tenth of the U.S. population suffers from eczema
- Acne in adults is increasing, affecting up to 15% of women
- More than half of the U.S. population has sensitive skin
On average, data shows that we use 126 unique ingredients per day on our skin, all which can impact our skin’s natural ecosystem and skin barrier. But, there’s even more that’s important to take into account. Many external factors that impact our skin’s microbiome aside from just the ingredients we place on our skin includes household irritants, climate, pollution, gut health, hormonal changes, and much more.
Between the products we place on our skin and the other factors that we interact with on a daily basis, there’s a lot that is putting our microbiome in danger. But before getting into why this information is important, let’s first dive into what the skin’s microbiome is.
What is the microbiome?
The microbiome is an ecosystem of organisms that live on your skin. It consists of a variety of around 1,000 strains of bacteria, viruses and fungi that all work together to support and strengthen your skin’s barrier. On healthy skin, the microbiome tends to show a high diverse range of these organisms on your skin, something that you won’t find in skin that is sensitive or unhealthy. All of these organisms each play a special role in helping your skin thrive, therefore when it is properly balanced and well-taken care of, it will show in the overall health of our skin!
Why is this important to recognize?
Now more than ever, it is so important to be conscious about what you are placing on your skin so that you aren’t continuing to cause further harm to your skin’s microbiome. Hearing about the potential damage our skin may be going through is scary, but it’s important to remember that our skin is smart and strong. It’s never too late to start taking action to restore and repair your skin’s health, and luckily, the research and science is underway to help us determine how to take better care of the microbiome, moving forward.
Where can you start?
The first step in restoring and repairing your skin from the damage that has been inflicted upon your skin’s microbiome is by taking a step back and evaluating what your skin truly needs. One way you can do this before rebuilding your routine is through your own skin-cleanse. Take a look at one of our blog posts here that walks you through how to do a simple skin-cleanse, featuring Dr. Elsa’s best practices.
Of course, not everyone has the same skin type or lifestyle, which means that your skin’s needs may be different than others. You can take our skincare quiz to help you further determine your skin type and even get recommendations that are unique to your skin goals only.
Once you’ve evaluated and given your skin the break that it needs, you can start to pay more attention to incorporating minimal skincare products that are created to support your skin’s natural ecosystem and your skin biology. Focus more on products that are less processed, minimal and are microbiome-approved like our products here at Dr. Elsa Jungman. Using these products will work to nourish your skin’s microbiome rather than damage it even more. Our Skin Reset Duo is an amazing start for those who are struggling with skin that feels irritated, uncomfortable, and sensitive.
Lastly, there is still plenty of research underway to understand the skin’s microbiome and determine what we can do to make skincare advancements and the understanding of our very own skin, easier for everyone. Our latest microbiome test allows those who are interested, to test their skin microbiome and learn more about why the skin microbiome is so important. Interested in taking our skin microbiome test? Click here to get started.
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